All fungi are nonmotile except chytrids.
All fungi are haploid and follow the haploid life cycle (see: life cycles)
All fungi abosorb nutrients by extracellular digestsion. Most are saprophytes (decomposers), but some are symbionts or parasites.
Fungi form a vegetative body called a thallus made up of root-like structures called hyphae. A mass of hyphae is called a mycelium.
Cell walls compose primarily of chitin (see: biochemistry)
Domain- Eukaryota
Kingdom- Fungi
Phylum (Division) - Chytridiomycota - Unicellular, motile fungal species
Glomeromycota - Unicellular, non-motile fungal species
Zygomycota - Coencocytic Hyphates, reproduction via formation of zygosporangia
Ascomycota - Septatate Hyphae, reproduction via asci and ascospores
Basidiomycota - Compelx septate hyphae, reproduction via basidia and basidiospores
Lichens (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) - Endosymbiotic Obligates
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