Organic Chemistry 102
At UNO it was called CHEM 2260
My first site with real purpose...albeit very niche.
My Perl powered site was made to assist students with the Laboratory portion of
CHEM 2260. A particularly difficult part of the lab, was the qualitative analysis or "unknown lab".
These were few and far between but acted as a cumulative test of all the skills
learned during the lab course. The premise was that the professor would create a mixture
of unknown chemicals and the student had to separate the mixture into individual components
using distillation, filtration, precipitation, etc. and once purified, apply various chemical
tests and spectroscopy to actually identify the compound.
The professor provided a "red book" of all the possible compounds you could have gotten
in your mixture. In this book various chemical properties would be listed (melting point,
boiling point) as well as its spectral profile. There was basically a pass-fail mentality
here, you either identified the correct compound or you failed the assignment. So, you
had to be careful purifying and running tests, each would consume your finite sample and
you did not have enough source mixture to run all tests or redo a botched purification.
The website's purpose in all of this was clear, it allowed the student to enter what
they knew about their unknown mixture into the HTML form, the Perl code would apply
the correct regex and then filter out the compounds helping you eliminate the possibilities.
Of course, you could do this with pen and paper, but with my site, you could be sure you did
not accidentally skip a line from the red book.
Since it has been over a decade since I took O-Chem II, I think it is safe to say my
site longer fits the curriculum it was intended to supplement. So, its usefulness may be limited,
and the content outdated; however, I present it here for historical purposes.
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